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Clubs and Organizations

Junior high is a wonderful time for students. In order for students to have the best experience at Harwood, we strongly encourage all students to join at least one club, organization or team. It is important for students to be involved in a positive activity outside the regular school day. Below is a current list of the club offerings at Harwood.


Adventures in Middle Earth - Russell Cranford A Table Top Role Playing Game inspired by The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings that operates off the D&D 5E ruleset. Smaug has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to the Shire.  But much danger still remains, and from the Orc-holds of the mountains to the dark and corrupt depths of Mirkwood a darkness waits, recovering its strength, laying its plans, and slowly extending its shadow... King Bards has sent out a call for brave adventurers to journey to Lake-town and assist him in restoring the glory of the North.  Join Adventures in Middle Earth and follow in the footsteps of Bilbo, Thorin, Gandalf, Elrond, and Legolas. Adventuring times are Thursdays, 3:40 - 5:15pm, in Room C102 with Mr. Cranford. *Note: Maximum party size: 6 recurring adventuring positions. Maximum silent gallery size: 12 observers. If party size drops below 6, an observer will be offered a position with the adventuring group.

Art Club - Ashleigh Moss Come share your artistic abilities with Ms. Moss during Art Club! Art Club will meet from 3:45-5:00 p.m. on select Mondays.

Book Club - Kathryn Nunez Do you like to read or talk about books? If so, Book Club is the perfect place for you! Join us on the second Tuesday of every month in H122 to talk about books. We hope to see you there!

Chess Club - Russell Cranford Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Visit the MakerSpace room after school on Wednesdays and learn from a pro, Mr. Cranford. Chess Club meets from 3:40-5:15 PM.

First Priority Youth Club (FCA) - Bobby Cooper Join us to grow in your faith and bond with others through Christ. Held in Coach Cooper's classroom, H113, every Tuesday from 7:50-8:10 AM.

Garden Club - Kate Hackworth, Kathleen Stephens and Shannon Tower Are you interested in growing your gardening skills and general knowledge of plants? Join our Garden Club and grow your own happiness in H102 every Thursday from 3:40-4:10.

Gay-Straight Alliance – Tamara Henderson Welcome to the GSA! This is a club where you cannot only be yourself, but be true to yourself. We provide a safe, supportive environment for all students. You will get to talk about yourself as a person and be a supporter to your fellow peers. We strive to learn from each other, and respect others and their role in the community. This club's desire is to be a safe place for all students. GSA meets from 3:40-4:10 p.m. every other Wednesday in Mrs. Henderson’s room, G100.

Liga HEB Intramural Soccer - Champions Begin Here! There is no University Interscholastic League soccer program for boys at the junior high level in HEB. 6 Stones built Liga HEB to encourage and motivate students who aren't connected anywhere else. Workouts and tryouts begin in January. Regular season games are held at:  Central Junior High, 3191 W Pipeline Rd, Euless. For more information, please visit:

MakerSpace Club – Genesee Emery MakerSpace will be held in the library at 7:55 a.m. on the days when Mrs. Emery is on campus. It is a fun environment where kids can build, create and explore. Look for the sign in the courtyard or check in the library to see if MakerSpace is happening and join us!

National Junior Honor Society – Heather Cooley and Kate Hackworth We induct new members (7th and 8th graders) every spring. Students must have a 90 overall average in their core classes as well as be recommended by their teachers. We do service projects for the school and community throughout the school year. Meetings are on the first Thursday of every month at 8:00 a.m. in H103.

Student Council – Heather Cooley and Kate Hackworth Student Council is open to students in all grades. Students can join any time during the school year by coming to get a permission slip and having their parents sign it. Student Council is involved in hosting two dances a year, charity work, leadership skills and leadership conferences, fundraising, school spirit initiatives and helping with other campus needs. Meetings are Wednesdays in H103 before school at 8:00 a.m. and, for 7th graders in athletics, after school at 3:45 p.m.

Tennis Club – Taylor Raybuck Tennis is for 7th or 8th grade Harwood students who would like to compete against the other district junior high schools in tennis. Participants don’t need previous experience but do need a current physical. We will begin open court (optional) practices in October and try-out will be held in January or Early February. We will be holding 2-3 one-hour practices each week after school and the season will end in early April. Listen for announcements in November for more information about meetings/practices or see Ms. Raybuck in room C105.

Yearbook – Kate Hackworth Do you like taking pictures? Writing stories? Are you interested in capturing all of the wonderful memories at Harwood this year? If so, please see Mrs. Hackworth in H103 for more information on joining the yearbook club!